Intuitive Guidance

Our minds can complicate situations and create confusion and indecision. The energy expended going round and round can be draining and stressful. Talking through concerns and getting a neutral, non-judgmental perspective can provide clearer direction.

In addition to the healing effects of talking through the problem in a safe space, I use my intuitive ability along with oracle and/or tarot cards to receive divine insights and suggestions.

As an intuitive guide or conduit, I help you to uncover your inner wisdom and truth to bring light to the area of concern and strengthen the knowledge that is already within you.

Intuitive guidance is not predicting your future, and it is not counseling or therapy. It is listening to you and receiving information beyond the words being spoken, assisting you to expand your view of the situation and make the best decisions for your highest good. In this process you are also empowered by learning to connect with your own intuition and wisdom.


$25 per 15 minutes