What is Quantum Biofeedback?
Biofeedback quite simply is any technique which takes a measurement of the body and provides a result. A scale can be said to be a biofeedback device that measures weight; a thermometer one that measures body temperature. The QUEX ED can measure factors of the body electric such as the voltage of the firing brain cells, the amperage of the heart muscle contractions, the voltage of the muscles and the resistance to the flow of electricity of the skin. The same technological theories that brought us biofeedback in the 1960’s, have also brought devices like the CAT Scan, MRI, TENS, ultra-sound, and many other sophisticated technologies to our healthcare systems.

The information measured with a biofeedback device is then “fed-back” to the client, informing them of various physiological parameters and stress responses within the body, and educating them about the need to retrain their body’s stress responses, balance the body electric, make lifestyle changes, or learn to control physiological reactions, to achieve improved relaxation and better health overall.
Every cell, organ, meridian, and emotion have a characteristic electro-magnetic signature. Illness can start as an energetic disturbance, which can be detected by the QUEX ED device. The body’s subtle energy system is an early warning system. Imbalances in the body’s subtle energies show up much earlier than overt physical disease. Healing can often be addressed by harmonizing the subtle energies. All aspects of our lives [physical health and illness, emotions, thoughts] operate according to the laws of quantum physics. We can now all have access to the power of energetic healing, combined with ancient wisdom and modern technology.
How do I benefit from Biofeedback?
Stress affects us all. Thousands of research articles and studies prove beyond any doubt that stress can be a factor in any disease. Stress alters biochemistry and neurological functioning and can weaken the immune system and the digestive track. Research shows that biofeedback, alone and in combination with other behavioral therapies, is effective for stress reduction in a variety of medical and psychological disorders. In approximately five minutes, the QUEX ED Biofeedback System can simultaneously detect and record information about your stress reactions. Biofeedback then re-educates certain muscles, nerves, or organs and/or retrains areas of the body and mind to healthier patterns. The QUEX ED can work not only with the conscious mind, but also the subconscious and unconscious mind making it a truly quantum healing system.
Chronic stress can affect the body in many ways, including:
- Pain and tension
- Fatigue
- Risk of heart disease and stroke
- Weakened immune system
- Digestive disorders
- Mood and mental disorders
- Circulation issues
- Learning disorders
- Brain fog and impaired memory
How does Biofeedback work?

Biofeedback utilizes electro-dermal sensors to measure Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR), also referred to as Electro-Dermal Response (EDR). GSR measures mild electrical impulses on the surface of our skin, which change due to moisture. The moisture of the skin changes according to the body’s degree of stress and/or relaxation. GSR is so sensitive it can even measure fluctuations in emotional states. Biofeedback instruments measure muscle activity, skin temperature, electro-dermal activity (sweat gland activity), respiration, heart rate, heart rate variability, blood pressure, brain electrical activity, and blood flow. These technologies can capture the body’s analog electrical signals and translate those signals into meaningful information through complex algorithmic software that a technician can then decipher.
The QUEX ED is the most accurate and sensitive technology of its kind for identifying stress reactions to over 11,000 trivector, voltametric algorithmic signatures stored in its database, such as those taken from nutritional items, emotions, allergens, toxins and more.
The sophisticated wave-form generator works to re-train harmony to the physical and emotional bodies by addressing aberrant stressful reactions to help you create more cohesive and coherent patterns.
The system assists you in reconnecting you to your own inner knowing; revealing your innate wisdom in identifying where to make lifestyle changes and which specific stress reactions to manage.
Studies show biofeedback as an ideal intervention for patients who desire:
- Gentler, less toxic and less invasive first line interventions
- More integrative and alternative therapeutic options
- More information and choice in making the best possible decisions for their care
- More participation and involvement in their treatment
What does Biofeedback not do?
The QUEX ED picks up and scans only tendencies rather than disease as only doctors can diagnose disease. The QUEX ED tells us about the energetic state of your body and the direction in which your body is focusing its energy. Neither the device or the practitioner can diagnose, only a trained and licensed M.D. can treat and diagnose disease. Yet the device is especially helpful in assessing, analyzing health situations as well as reducing stress and revitalizing and harmonizing the body. The QUEX ED is an effective stress reduction tool and a powerful preventative tool. It is a safe, gentle, non-invasive, and natural way to enhance your body’s wellness.
What happens during a Biofeedback session?

During a session, the client wears wrist and ankle bracelets as well as a head harness.
The sensors (electrodes) comfortably read electrical impulses from the body and send information to the computer which acts as a monitoring device. The practitioner will educate you as to what specific areas of the body/mind are most in need of stress reduction and re-education based on the information translated from the biofeedback device to the computer screen. These data findings allow you to better understand your reactions to stress and learn how to better control your physiological responses.
While the biofeedback process is completely non-invasive and gentle, this powerful stress management support system allows relaxation and increased ability for your body to heal. The body is designed to heal itself! The process of biofeedback is not to heal – but to help the body remember the balanced and stress-free state. When it is entrained to the healthier patterns of a relaxed state, this process of self-regeneration often happens naturally.
How many sessions are needed?
Biofeedback is an entrainment process. Entrainment is a well-studied physics phenomenon, by which two separate systems operating at varying frequencies, will settle into a common frequency when situated within one’s field of influence. It may take the body multiple sessions to entrain or “relearn” healthier patterns. Some people respond very quickly, especially those whose lifestyle choices are already aligned with good health.
Others may need more education, training, and support around improving nutrition, exercise and/or sleep patterns, or avoiding addictive substances etc. The longer a client has held certain stress patterns which are causing them pain or illness, the more sessions they may need to begin re-balancing or re-training those patterns and reactions.
Generally, it is recommended clients make a commitment to their health by investing in multiple sessions (3-5) to truly see and feel results. www.quantumworldvision.com.
- $150 Initial 2 to 2.5 hour session
- $120 for subsequent sessions
- 3 session package – $320 (excluding initial session)